Pippingford Manor/Park

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Pippingford Manor/Park

Post by OldFellah »

In the 60's I used to fish a group of 3 lovely lakes joined by streams that I believe were called Pippingford Manor lakes (nr Nutley, off the A22). I would love to know if anyone fishes there these days.
In 66 I caught my first ever carp amongst the lilies of the middle lake and over the years managed to catch chub and trout in the streams as well as some lovely carp and tench in the lakes and never saw another angler. It really was a little piece of heaven and I like to think that it remains so to this day.


Re: Pippingford Manor/Park

Post by Jenks »

When Laney and I started on there in 1984 there were five lakes in the chain. The Army Lake was a tiny, deep pool that held fish to about 15lb. The biggest fish in the whole complex was about 18lb, which Laney caught (obviously). It was, and still is quite a magical place. The fish were lovely, the surroundings beautiful, the only downside was when the army decided on manoeuvres in the middle of the night - that shattered the silence.
Only stayed on there for a year before migrating north to the Colne Valley and the windswept vastness of Harefield. Strangely, 30 years later, I'm back fishing Pippingford/type pools and lakes. Full circle.


Re: Pippingford Manor/Park

Post by OldFellah »

Thanks for the update Jenks. Funny thing about Pippingford is that above all others it stays clearly in my memory after almost 50 years. There was a little bit of magic about the place in my day when the only anglers were my pal and myself. I would love to return but fear that it would only serve to dim my happy memories of the place.


Re: Pippingford Manor/Park

Post by OldFellah »

We used to catch chub below the waterfalls, trout in the 'river' section and there were some lovely perch in the top lake which was very clear. The carp came mainly from the lilly pads on the big lake on floating crust and from the bottom lake on anchored crust. Happy times !

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Re: Pippingford Manor/Park

Post by Coral Maestro »

Pippingford is one of those waters from my youth that I remember fondly. When I was a nipper we used to "guest" it but we were moved on by a fella called "Morris" and told in no uncertain terms that there were no day tickets available. Eventually, we managed to raise enough money for season tickets and enjoyed several years fishing there.
It was an unusual water for the south east of England in that it's situated in a deep wooded valley on the fringes of the Ashdown Forest so you didn't have the constant drone of traffic and glow of orange (sodium) lights on the horizon. What you did have though were visits from the army and sometimes even Chinook helicopters flying overhead and landing nearby.
The wildlife was amazing with badgers and deer crashing through the undergrowth at night. There was even a semi-tame buzzard that had been introduced to the park which would attack people. The first you would know about it was being hit on the back of the head by it's trailing legs. The bailiff walked around with a bushy branch on his shoulder to stop this happening. This same buzzard attacked people having picnics at Kings Standing on Ashdown Forest and became so notorious that it made the Sunday Express!
In the days I fished there it was very much a mixed fishery where we targetted bream, tench, crucians, chub, roach and carp. None of these grew to specimen size but I did catch a 4lb 0oz golden orfe on floating crust in one of the wierpools. At the time of capture it was only 3ozs under the British record.
I met a guy at Startops reservoir about 20 years after I stopped fishing there who alternated between carp fishing at Startops and Pippingford. I think he said the carp at Pippingford now go over 25lbs. I guess they've had a diet of boilies to thrive on.
What do they know of fishing who know only one fish and one way to fish for him?
- Jack Hargreaves.

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Re: Pippingford Manor/Park

Post by Kev D »

Wow . This post reminded me of my one and only visit . A friend took me there years ago. He was quite local to Pippingford and a regular .
It was one of the most memorable days fishing l've enjoyed. The approach through the woods at dawn , the lakes ,dammed from forest ghylls ,their connecting streams; the whole atmosphere was magical and full of promise.
I caught just about every species you could expect . It was a bite a cast . There wasn't a tiddler amongst them.Though I confess the best fish of the day was a fluke.
To partially act as groundbait but mainly to gain extra casting range with my light float set-up ,l had wrapped a lump of flour paste around my size 16 and double maggot. Within seconds of it hitting the water l knew something bigger than anything previously hooked had snaffled the whole mouthful. A 4.5lb carp which could have bolted and spinked my 2.5 lb trace like cotton chose instead to wallow about like a small hippo in the open water . After what seemed like an age it took pity on me and came close enough to net.
A truly lovely place. And probably somewhere it would be a mistake to return to.
In order to shoot some close-ups, wildlife photographer ,the late Len Scapstillon, lured the orca to him by dressing as a seal.......

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Re: Pippingford Manor/Park

Post by StalkingLuke »

I've never fished there but it is a lovely series of lakes. I've seen it from water level several times when training with my water search and rescue team. Not spotted many fish though🙂
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Re: Pippingford Manor/Park

Post by Coral Maestro »

I think one of the things that put people off when I was fishing there were the long walks from the car park. In the early days we used to cycle from Crowborough (about 5 miles) with our gear then hike from the car park to the lake we wanted to fish. The top lake was the furthest but there were a few nice carp in there. I managed one of 17-10 on floatfished sweetcorn which was my PB for many years.
We often night fished using paraffin storm lamps for light and foil folded over the line for bite indication. It was a struggle staying awake after midnight and many a bite was missed! I remember one night when my mate dozed off and fell off his seat box onto his rods. He was lucky as the rods survived and only a bank stick got bent.
On really slow nights we would lay the landing net on the bank and put bread in the net. The challenge was to catch as many rodents as possible in one lift and I think the record was 4 mice at once!
What do they know of fishing who know only one fish and one way to fish for him?
- Jack Hargreaves.

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Re: Pippingford Manor/Park

Post by Daveroof »

A typical pippingford stunner proper old leany


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Re: Pippingford Manor/Park

Post by Pallenpool »

What a cracking fish. I would never tire of catching Carps looking like that.
No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.



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