chub rig

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Match Aerial
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Re: chub rig

Post by Match Aerial »

If I cannot hold with a few swan shot I resort to a flat weight fixed off a paternoster.
Touch ledgering is a great way to fish, you don't even need a rod rest, suits my traveling light approach.

Stuart Whiting

Re: chub rig

Post by Stuart Whiting »

Santiago wrote:As above, but I would emphasise how important it is to hold the rod and touch leger to feel for their tugs. Chub have a tendency just to tug once or twice at a bait and then move on if they become suspicious. To hit these sharp short tugs it helps to hold the rod and also to have a short hook length between the hook and whatever weight one uses. I now seem to catch more if I strike at the first or second tug. Chub bites can be quite distinctive when legering!! And one rarely gets the third tug unless they've hooked themselves already.
Totally agree 100 % mate, you only get so many chances at this and if you ever fluff it up your best bet is to move on and then perhaps return back to the swim at dusk, I've experienced this many a time and no doubt you have aswell but I find that more often than not once a big chub gets spooked that'll be it for the day :surrender:

All the best mate :Hat:


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Re: chub rig

Post by ExeAngler »

Chubbing it will be this Sunday. Not sure whether to fish the river ray, (not more than a stream), or the upper Bristol Avon. Going for a chub or bust with Worm, Bread and cheese. I will be Touch ledgering for the first time.

I have a few questions;

Should I use a rod rest? What range is best, (how far out) with touch ledgering and how long a hook link?

Thanks for your help

I hope the old Ogden smith Hoops over, proper job!

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Stour Otter
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Re: chub rig

Post by Stour Otter »

Hi ExeAngler.
Personally I always touch ledger with a centrepin. I tie a Kamasan B420 No.8 sedge hook for all my chub and roach (flake) fishing. Its a hook with a good gape with medium weight which means you will not need any extra tell tail shot above the hook to hold down bread flake. Having had swivels part company in the past when ledgering, I now tie the hook on first then taking a weaker line as a dropper, tie an 8" reversed double loop on a four-turn water knot up the line. This will give you a perfect paternoster and allowing you to move this up or down the reel line, giving you a variation on hook length. The loop method now means you can change weights easily or add shot to this loop and not crimping your reel line, and when touch ledgering you tighten to the weight giving the fish no resistance on the bait. For winter fishing I would not use a reel line under six pound breaking strain. Chub are not fussy eaters.
The good angler is not the one with expensive equipment. Common sense, observation and trying to realize
what is happening above and below water will catch fish no matter what price equipment you fish with.
L.A. Parker - This Fishing 1948

Stuart Whiting

Re: chub rig

Post by Stuart Whiting »

Hi fella,

This is what I put up on another thread about touch ledgering in conjunction with swan shot and free lining :Thumb:


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