My season is underway

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My season is underway

Post by TrentFisher »

28th June and my first session of the season is in the bag!

Yesterday saw me working from home and was a good chance to wet a line on my local stretch of the Trent.

I had prepared some wheat ,which served me well in previous seasons along with some sweetcorn.
I was hoping for some roach .....but you never quite sure what may turn up!
With the computer powered down a quick snack and two mugs of tea later I am standing on the bank and my long trotting swin is free.
Tackle is quickly assembled,waders rolled up and the steepish bank is conqured and I am set for the next 3 hours or so.
My initial approach is with the wheat to test the water.
It has accounted for some very nice dace which are normally first to arrive then followed by the small chub and finally with any luck some of those better roach....lets see.
The first half hour was pretty slow and not helped by yours truly fishing as he had never held a rod in his life...ring rusty would be an understatement!
Please to say this got sorted and calm was restored with said float tackle being presented in a much better manner.
The fish started to respond as the wheat was trickled in.
It was the small chub taking a keen interest in the snail like seeds and several were caught mainly in the 6-12 ounce bracket but all welcome and in fabulous condition.
Theses were intersperced with one or two dace and finally a roach!
Whilst feeding the wheat I was dropping a few grains of the sweetcorn in to the swim.
As the initial activity quiet down I switched on to the yellow stuff.
Just an observation here....this stretch I fish has a good head of bream and normally when there is a lull I find a switch to another bait in my case normally corn or bread will pick up some bonus bream which have moved in.Oddly I very rarely catch the bream on wheat?
Moving hunch proved to be correct and the first bream was landed around 3lb.
The pattern continued and I was rewarded with three further bream of a better stamp 5-6lb.
These Trent bream give a good account of themselves on float tackle and the larger of the three was trying to impersonate a barbel at one point!
The session same to its end far too quickly but most enjoyable.
Note to oneself.....add sweetcorn the this weeks shopping list

Enjoy your outings

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Re: My season is underway

Post by Catfish.017 »

Excellent session TF, I must try the wheat for the local canal Roach. I've only tried it once, many years ago on the ParK Lake, quite unsuccessful as I recall but this was a water where an abundance of maggots and casters were on offer to the fish most days!

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Re: My season is underway

Post by Grumpy »

A fine account TF.Now and again I get a Bream when Barbel fishing the middle Severn.Unlike their stillwater cousins they do pull your string a bit. :Hat:

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