For the love of Rudd.

This forum is for discussing rudd.
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Re: For the love of Rudd.

Post by Moley »

Went out for a few hours on Friday afternoon having escaped the all embracing clutches of Waffen Command, having completed all chores to satisfactory standard.....well at least judging by the satisfied grunts from Untergruppenfuhrer Matron :Scared: at the inspection.

As only a few hours of daylight were available the location needed to be local, so after five minutes deliberation at the back door with a slurping tea, fag and staring wanly at the sky for a clue.....the Rudd Lake it would be.

At the lakeside a nice swim was selected and then the chore of threading the line through the rings of the rod......this is the hardest part of fishing for Fatty nowadays. As it was, had to set up twice because a ring was missed; bother.

Still a nice pie restored equilibrium, oh yes! :Thumb:

Why is it that wherever Fatty fishes now the Local Expert makes a bee line and starts spouting :Confused:

When told that Rudd were the intended fish the fount of all piscine knowledge did utter the legend...

' Oh the rudd in this lake don't feed in the Winter'

Ho hum thought Fatty as he slurped a thoughtful :tea:

Strangely, twenty or so, lost count after twenty, obviously not feeding fish came to visit:


.....after the first three or four the Expert was nowhere to be seen.....funny that :Hat:

Still what a delight these fish are, whatever the time of year!

As ever,.....

Say aye tae'a pie!

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Re: For the love of Rudd.

Post by Keston »

Shame on you for ignoring the "local expert" :Chuckle:

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Re: For the love of Rudd.

Post by Northern_Nomad »


Ex = has been
Spurt = Drip under pressure


Hopefully back on the Mere next month in search of some nice rudd :Thumb:
"We knelt side by side looking at it. I knew it was big, and suddenly it dawned on me it was more than that. It was tremendous!" - Richard Walker

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