Balcolmbe Lake, HHDAS

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King Of The Ghetto
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Balcolmbe Lake, HHDAS

Post by King Of The Ghetto »

Any regulars? I intend to spend my summer sessions on there again. Lovely water, very quiet. A giant mill pond really, with some nice carp.

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The Tuesday Swim
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Re: Balcolmbe Lake, HHDAS

Post by The Tuesday Swim »

I know it well, I fished it very hard one summer in the mid 1980's when I discovered that there were big carp in there lurking along the top end by the reeds. At that stage the HHDAS carp record was from Harland pit caught in the 1950's at 12lb, Harland pit was sadly filled in during the sixties to make way for new housing, coincidently where I was first to live when I was born in 1969.
The Balcombe carp were clearly bigger when I watched them through the binoculars. In those days it was all new, casting sixty yards with big leads, alas I never caught one but I did catch some huge bream! I did meet another guy from Crawley who clearly was after the same quarry, then it was quite hush hush. Ha d a few good pike as well.
Soon after I got a girlfriend, and then went to college, never fished there since but I did return a year or two back to take a look, I noticed the lake had been enlarged at the top end.
Great memories, night fishing, drinking, and growing up under the cover of an army pup tent, boy did it rain in the eighties.

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