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Amazon Kindle

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:46 pm
by Tony1964
Ok stop booing and shouting and let me finish....

I love reading wherever I am but I have to admit that I have more than a little OCD in terms of book care. I love to keep all of my books and magazines as if they have just rolled off the press. I took a book fishing once and I would never do it again. Dirty smudges on the dust sheet and the remnants of a squashed insect (must have put the book down on it when running to the rods) made me very cross indeed.

Since this incident I have bought a Kindle to take on my travels. The first book I bought (for just a few pence) was the compleat angler. I currently have 33 books stored on it and take them everywhere.

Of course, at home, a proper book has no substitute!

Re: Amazon Kindle

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:59 pm
by Mark
Well Tony, your've just seen what Chris Yates does with his kindle, he makes a good cup of tea. :laugh: :laugh:

Re: Amazon Kindle

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:56 pm
by Tony1964
:hide: I knew the post would be light blue touch paper and retire to a safe distance :laugh:

I know they are horrid things that are not at all traditional but just seem to make sense when out in the countryside. I love books and kindles could never replace them but it is only because I love books that I have one of these things to protect the books I have by keeping them at home safe and sound :)

Re: Amazon Kindle

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:03 pm
by Mark
tony1964 wrote::hide: I knew the post would be light blue touch paper and retire to a safe distance :laugh:

I know they are horrid things that are not at all traditional but just seem to make sense when out in the countryside. I love books and kindles could never replace them but it is only because I love books that I have one of these things to protect the books I have by keeping them at home safe and sound :)
Only pulling your leg Tony, I haven't got one but I can see there uses. :wink: