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Meet The General

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:15 pm
by Deaf Cat
To top off the fine AGM weekend I took a slightly long way home after an uncomfortable night in my "bivvie". Putting an extra 200 miles on my Moggie I called in to some nice people in Eastbourne to collect "The General Rod"

A 13ft 3 piece, 14oz, whole cane butt and middle section, split cane tip complete with stoppers and holey original bag. Small low rings and the lined butt ring is tiny.

According to "The House the Hardy Brothers Built" these were made between 1926 and 1955 and mine is G 12467 which makes it 1934.

Certainly fishable if I can tidy up the rings. I think someone on the forum wrote of using a General with a Conquest (nice military theme building) so perhaps someone can advise me. Pics below.


Update: Now wonderfully restored by Steve Boncey;
see the "The General restored" thread.