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Another butt indicator

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:28 am
by Reedling
Looking at the thread by MGs about a butt indicator jogged my memory that I had a butt indicator in a box of old bits obtained from the boot fair recently, so I had to have a second look. On inspection I saw that it had a name impressed down the side of the shaft that reads.... La Maison Bois, bite indicator, Pat Pendg. has anyone ever heard of this company? I have placed it on a rod but not in the correct position for use I think.

I forgot to add the little end ring where the line goes through looks like one of those little loops that you get on a necklace, you pull back a little catch to allow the other end of the necklace to attach. I suppose this is to allow use after putting the gear together or removal of line for casting?


Re: Another butt indicator

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:28 am
by Gord
i think it is a british company i suggest you do a search on this forum as i have seen it mentioned on here some where, i think it is a play on the french for wood house so it might be some ones name

Re: Another butt indicator

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:01 pm
by Aquaerial
You are right Gord the guy that founded the business was called Woodhouse and he also made floats.
These are superb indicators although I tend to clip them on to a bit of masking tape round the rod when I use them as they grip better and it also protects the varnish. Somewhere on here is a post I made about them before....

Re: Another butt indicator

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:02 pm
by Reedling
Thanks Gord, Walt Woodhouse made it then, another little bit of innovative angling history. That little boot fair box of mine was more interesting than I thought. Cheers :Hat:

Re: Another butt indicator

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:44 pm
by Paul D
Fantastic! I want one :Thumb:

Re: Another butt indicator

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:12 am
by Stathamender
Fred Foster discusses this type of indicator in his book on Swing-tipping. Don't have that to hand at the moment as I'm in transit to France, but I think he used a variable length one. I think similar ones are still available on the web from swing tip suppliers.

That catch-loop sounds like a good idea for both butt indicators and swing tips, to avoid casting problems and tangles, if you can a) find one big enough and b) solve the problem of attaching it to the shaft.

Re: Another butt indicator

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:31 pm
by Aquaerial
If you mount the indicator tip side of the butt ring it all works OK without removing it for casting. You wont win any tournaments but it casts OK.
Its ideal use is on a day too windy for swing-tipping or where there is heavy boat traffic. Therein lies the rub however as whilst I'm happy to bury a glass or ca***n rod to the butt ring I find it really uncomfortable shoving my favourite cane into the drink for the day. These were used a lot in the '70's Broads matches up here and it was mostly glass then buried to the indicator as the floating caravans passed by oblivious to someone feeder fishing the far bank.
Simple and very effective..

Re: Another butt indicator

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:54 am
by ExeAngler
I am thinking of making one. Can imagine quite a few situations that it would come in handy. I am not sure where I can purchase the clip that attaches to the rod?

Re: Another butt indicator

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:05 am
by Reedling
I use these clips for hanging up old Victorian pointed bottom bottles on a rack on my wall, I am pretty sure I purchased them from a plumber type shop as they were used for clipping a inch, or half inch pipe against a wall.

Edit... punch in Terry clip on the bay of E. :Hat: