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Re: Just to show what's possible.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:36 pm
by Shaun Harrison
I missed the book launch but picked up a copy from him Saturday. Really enjoyed 'The Carp Side of the Moon' so this follow on I am sure will be an equally good read. I must admit to feeling quite honoured when I spotted myself in this book and delighted to hear there is another volume still to come from this true natural and inspirational angler.

I thought getting his daughter Kat to write the introduction was a nice touch and reading it shows that this man who spent so much time pioneering and exploring the unknown seemingly fishing so much had still put the time aside and shared so many precious moments with her. Kat's last two sentences in her introduction must have hit the old strings with Pete. She wrote...

'Without him I wouldn't be half the person I am today. I'd like to say thank you not only for being such a fantastic role model but for being the best Dad in the world'.