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Re: The Wey

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:31 pm
by Blueavocet
Dear Olly, thanks for the compliment on the map. I illustrate my articles that are published in 'Waterlog'. They're done in watercolour or inktense pencils. The trick here I think its to suggest with a darker blue the usual lines of flow, the deeper passages of the river. A flood changes things of course, but we have to start somewhere. I'll keep looking for those Barbel!!

Re: The Wey

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:36 pm
by Luga00
Lovely, the only reason I asked is that I'm planning on doing something similar for my stretch of the Wey. At the moment, I give strange names to different swims but it would be good to have a visual representation.

Re: The Wey

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:14 pm
by Paul D
Luga00 wrote:Lovely, the only reason I asked is that I'm planning on doing something similar for my stretch of the Wey. At the moment, I give strange names to different swims but it would be good to have a visual representation.
Well how strange, I too am planning map "my stretch of the Wey" I also give swims names, I've got the bucket swim, the mud swim and one cast amongst those I've named. :Hat:

Re: The Wey

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:27 pm
by Olly
I would suggest taking photos through out the year in different conditions, even a video! Something that you can view at a later date and to see what swims are like in flood & drought.

Re: The Wey

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:34 pm
by Blueavocet
See! You're all naturalist anglers with a yen to narrate. I bet you all watched tales go the riverbank as kids!! :-)

Re: The Wey

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:04 pm
by Olly
I only took up fishing to watch nature especially the birds! Feathered variety - boring just sitting as an 8 year old.

Re: The Wey

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:10 am
by Mark99
Probably more accurate to say that North Wey has characteristics of Chalk Stream in that it's aquifer at Alton is chalk source.

Re: The Wey

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:04 pm
by CraigM
I agree, a lovely map BA.

Somerset Bridge - still a Farnham AS water?

I lost a big fish on lightish tackle in Glade Run several years ago. Probably a good pike.

Re: The Wey

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:08 pm
by CraigM
A bit late in posting, but pleased to report that the North Wey came up trumps again when I took my neighbour & his two daughters fishing last season.
The girls (13 & 11) had never been freshwater fishing before & were each armed with a late 60s/ early 70s light glass fibre rod (ex Mick Borro at The Creel, mentioned earlier in this thread. Fran was getting him to sell some of his own rods, prior to the shop closing). A bit early to hand over one of my prized cane rods I decided but maybe next time...
The eldest had a 3lb chub & a small trout. Her sister caught a 1lb trout & lots of minnows. They had a great couple of hours & so did I even though I was helping rather than actually fishing. Mick was delighted that the rods had each had a decent bend put in it.
Next trip the village pond &, hopefully, a carp. :Thumb:

Re: The Wey

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:06 pm
by CraigM

North Wey still going strong.