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Re: Yatesy's Barderised FJT Roach Rod

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:22 pm
by Alaudacorax
Julian wrote:So are you saying that until an angler is dead he can't have a sort of 'legendary' status?
No, of course not. Please read properly the lines that you quoted. I used the word 'subconsciously' and I was trying to describe my instinctive feelings, not to make any such dogmatic statement.
Julian wrote:If that is so then I have to totally disagree, because whilst there is no doubt in my mind as to the importance of and status of the likes of Walker and Venables, in my opinion, Chris Yates is at least equal to them - because of his influence on my own ( and many others) angling life, direction, experience and success.
You appear to be trying to misrepresent me to make it appear that I'm mounting some sort of attack on Mr Yates. I've already made it quite clear that I'm an admirer of Chris Yates and the idea that I've compared him to those earlier anglers in any unfavourable light is purely your fiction - you didn't find it in any of my posts.

The point about Venables, Walker and earlier anglers is that they are all, now, firmly in the past: on the one hand, the supply of items of tackle genuinely connected with them is finite - there are never going to be any more of them and, with the inevitable mischances attendant on the passing of time, the numbers are going to dwindle; on the other hand, owning an item that belonged to them is a connection to the past and to the history of our sport. While Chris Yates, in my opinion, has or will have an important place in the history of angling, he's not 'history' yet - he's still out there fishing and I can't see any particular significance in some old rod that - and this is a hypothetical example - he bought, had refurbished, used for a few months, decided didn't suit him, and sold on. But such a rod would fetch a multiple of its 'non-Yates' value. As I said in earlier posts, this bemuses me a little.

Re: Yatesy's Barderised FJT Roach Rod

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:00 pm
by Nobby
I suppose it could be likened to fan worship of idols?

I'd always presumed, but never confirmed, that the word 'fan' was a diminutive of fanatic.....?

Perhaps those of us who enjoy historical bits of tackle owned by iconic anglers of the past, whether alive or dead, might be compared to people who collect autographs or memorabilia of favourite musicians.

Or is it a hope to be in some way connected to the famous ex-owner in some way?

I think 'fan worship' is in all of us to a degree.

I met one or two 'famous' people by way of my work at one time or another. Although determined to not be impressed by them, I still was aware that in some way they were 'special'.......even diminutive little bad tempered old men like Calvin Kline.

My wife once met Brian Ferry.......she almost fainted :hahaha:

Re: Yatesy's Barderised FJT Roach Rod

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:33 pm
by Davyr
Nobby wrote:I suppose it could be likened to fan worship of idols?
I think it's closer, in a way, to the mediaeval obsession with "holy relics", in which items that have been touched by the object of adoration acquire the same potency as body parts of the object themselves (bones, etc).

Not that I'm suggesting we're likely to see Chris Yates' phalanges appearing on eBay in the (I hope far) distant future. Or any bits of St Nobby, of course.

Dave Allen used to tell a story about an American tourist who is sold a skull at Dublin Airport purporting to be that of Brian Boru. The following year, the same American is back at Dublin Airport and is offered another skull by the same Irishman, and told the same tale. "But you sold me a skull last year that you said was Brian Boru's, and that was much bigger than you one you have there". Irishman (after a moment's thought): "Ah, but this was his skull before he was fully-grown to manhood..."

Re: Yatesy's Barderised FJT Roach Rod

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:24 pm
by Beresford
Were Yates an unscrupulous character (which I'm sure he isn't) I suspect he could nicely supplement his income by selling on rods he'd used for the odd trip or two.

As I noted in the Mullocks sale news thread there are two more Yates/Barder rods coming up for sale at auction.

Re: Yatesy's Barderised FJT Roach Rod

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:42 pm
by The Sweetcorn Kid
Two Yates Barders? Don't tell me that, I've run out of things to sell....

Anyone in the market for a Kidney?

Re: Yatesy's Barderised FJT Roach Rod

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:55 pm
by LuckyLuca
Any onions and gravy with it??

Re: Yatesy's Barderised FJT Roach Rod

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:01 pm
by The Sweetcorn Kid
Depends if we're talking one rod or the pair!?

Re: Yatesy's Barderised FJT Roach Rod

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:09 pm
by Colonelgsc
Beresford wrote:Were Yates an unscrupulous character (which I'm sure he isn't) I suspect he could nicely supplement his income by selling on rods he'd used for the odd trip or two.

As I noted in the Mullocks sale news thread there are two more Yates/Barder rods coming up for sale at auction.
I can state, without fear of contradiction, the honourable Yates has not an unscrupulous bone in his body. In truth, he really cannot understand his 'cult status' and the hike in the relative prices of anything associated with him. When last we spoke, I suggested he should market his own clothes line..............the one that stretches between the trees in his garden. He was tickled by that :laugh:

Re: Yatesy's Barderised FJT Roach Rod

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:02 pm
by GarryProcter
I second the Colonel's comments about Mr Yates - I don't know a less unscrupulous person. Mind you, I wouldn't trust him with my life's savings - he would be bound to forget where he put them!

Re: Yatesy's Barderised FJT Roach Rod

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:59 pm
by Beresford
I third them!