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Re: From Bermuda to Kent

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:07 pm
by Bigoll
There are a few chunky eels in the Essex Roding, though with a darker colouring and less pointy head than their Kent brethren:


Re: From Bermuda to Kent

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:48 pm
by Reedling
A little fact about Eels that not many people know as far as I am aware. If you were to move a Fresh water fish to sea water or put a sea fish in fresh water they die as far as I am aware...otherwise marine fish in tanks would survive in ordinary fresh water, wouldn't they? You can take Eels out of sea salt water and put them in fresh water and they survive ok. I wonder if Salmon and Sea Trout are the same, being migratory fish like the Eel?

Re: From Bermuda to Kent

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:45 pm
by Michael
Ninety percent plus Salmon die after spawning due to exhaustion and malnutrition, they don't eat and the mouth, teeth structure change. Unlike salmon, sea trout do not usually die after spawning. Remember some fish do survive in brackish water, Mullet and Carp for example