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Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:31 pm
by Barbulus
Well Kingfisher I certainly hope there are still "unfound mystical" pools still out there.......remember the days of the Ordnance Survey map and circling anything that looked vaguely promising as a new water hidden away and hopefully nearby an "old ruin" marked by the Surveyor..........prior of course to silly petrol prices and other life related commitments such as University fees.....oh....and to afford this trip I have had to sell a few of my fishing rods - cane and non cane - but just how many fishing rods do I now need.......?


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:02 pm
by Kingfisher
Barbulus wrote:Well Kingfisher I certainly hope there are still "unfound mystical" pools still out there.......remember the days of the Ordnance Survey map and circling anything that looked vaguely promising as a new water hidden away and hopefully nearby an "old ruin" marked by the Surveyor..........prior of course to silly petrol prices and other life related commitments such as University fees.....oh....and to afford this trip I have had to sell a few of my fishing rods - cane and non cane - but just how many fishing rods do I now need.......?

I wasn't insinuating that you were well off because you could afford to go Barbulus, sorry if it sounded that way. :surrender:

Here's my little secret, there are monsters in there. It's now sindicated...BUT...still nobody ever fishes it apart from myself, my mate and a couple of his mates. My mate runs the syndicate.


Now all of it's fenced off but you don't see the fence fishing from the inside. Tis a lovely place full of history. it started life as a slate quarry and is 150 ft deep in the deeps. Many a rod has been pulled in over the years by carp. I saw a 25lb mirror carp caught and what a picture it looked in the sun as it's captor held it up for a photo. There are bigger than that in there though.

Seeing as Chris Yates used to fish Llandrindod Lake, I wonder if he ever ventured over the hill and fished here? I dare say he did. It's only 5/600 yards away from the lake.


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:14 pm
by Barbulus
Wow Kingfisher....that looks absolutely are fortunate to have somewhere like that....I used to fish somewhere in Yorkshire that was also "special" but then the otters ...discovered it...oh well.....nature and balance in all things but difficult nevertheless....if I were you I think I might be fishing that at least once a month......really nice....


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:45 pm
by Woodytia
If I had the chance I'd be there in a heart beat, I'd just love to sample the atmosphere of the place. If the fish didn't want to play ball I'd have my camera with me so I'd still enjoy myself, it's not being able to go back that would irk me.


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:26 pm
by GregF
I hate losing carp. It doesn’t happen often but if it does, I always feel terrible. It's not about the sense of loss of a potential ‘pb’ or anything like that, but about leaving a hook in a fish, about leaving a fish trailing line. Even if it’s a hookpull I wonder if I’ve damaged the fishes mouth. If I were to lose a monster carp at Redmire, I’d be more than a bit angry with myself. So I would say, for me, it would be better never to have hooked than to have hooked and lost.


Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:39 pm
by GazTheAngler
Having mulled this over, I've decided I'm in the never hooked camp as well.

Though I admit that if I ever get to Redmire I will have a try for the Gonks.


Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:51 pm
by Barbulus
Well having just read the fascinating article that Shaun Harrison just posted on the "netting saga" all those years ago....I have made a mental note to myself that whatever happens .....there will be absolutely no swearing......I might still launch the rod into the undergrowth ....but with a silent "oh bugger !"


Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:59 pm
by Santiago
Sounds like you're preparing for a fail; and I mean that most respectfully! So why not just go with more confidence and with suitable tackle (rod & line etc.) and the biggest landing net you have! Alternatively throw in lots of bread to feed the carp off and take a Gudgeon Rod and maggots for the big gudgeon there ; and stamp and splash should you see any carp in your swim. Otherwise I would prefer not to hook a biggun if it went on to snap my line!


Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:12 pm
by Tweed
Chris Bettis wrote:My friend, please DO NOT fish for the big eels at Redmire. Leave them alone. It is very easy to kill one by deep hooking - all their vitals are very close to their throats and killing one is all to easy.
All too easy to kill an eel, you learn something new every day. :fish:


Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:07 pm
by Jeremy Croxall
Is Redmire really that good? Or is it that we imagine it's so good? I have never fished Redmire and, yes I'd like to understand what all the fuss is about but can't help feeling I may be disappointed if I did actually visit it's hallowed banks. So much has been written about it, and I have to say it looked lovely in APFA and I know record carp have been caught there but is it actually "the" bucket list venue? Is there another venue to compare with it I wonder, there must be, surely? Some of you guys out there must think my comments irreverent and made in ignorance and maybe that is the case but I would be interested to know what other forum members think, particularly those that have fished there and are able to make comparrisons with other quality venues.