The Secret Pool Part 3.

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The Secret Pool Part 3.

Post by Catfish.017 »

During the third season a few other anglers began to visit the pool to fish, mainly for the Rudd. On meeting each new acquaintance I would impress on them the importance of respecting the pool, particularly leaving no litter. The bird life in the vicinity was plentiful and quite varied. A pair of Kingfishers nested somewhere in the stream bank and made 'hay' with the Rudd fry. Wild duck, moorhen, Heron and Canada geese all used the pool, I even spotted a Mandarin Duck there one afternoon, an escapee from somewhere? It became apparent that a local Wildlife group visited on a frequent basis and I didn't want any tension developing so I made regular visits to check for litter.
It was about this time that I first met Ken. After traversing the viaduct, the lane ended at a pair of impressive gates beyond which a long driveway led to a substantial house where Ken lived. When walking the lane to the pool I did my best to avoid drawing attention to my purpose in being there, but one day Ken, walking his dogs, hailed me down and asked if I was the chap who fished the pool? Most people I fobbed off with a story about fishing the stream for the Trout which indeed abounded in its delightful runs and pools, but Ken, it turned out was an experienced angler and I knew the game was up. Curiously it came out in conversation that he had fished the same park lake in his youth as I did. A few years older than me, the names he mentioned were all well known to me and unleashed a mutual flood of fond memories!
A couple of years later Ken had unwelcome news for me that confirmed my suspicions and correspondingly my worst fears. Although he said he would like to take his grandson to fish the pool, he never got around to it but he liked to stand on its banks at dusk to soak up the tranquil atmosphere. It was on one of these occasions that he saw the Otter cross the dam and slip fluidly into the shallows before swimming the length of the main pool and disappearing around the 'Channel'
I'd been expecting it but obviously I secretly hoped the pool would escape their regular visits, hope against hope as the saying goes! I first noticed the absence of the Mirror Carp which had grown dramatically and was approaching double figures in its last season. This fish was a constant presence here, often to be seen cruising on sunny days and frequently leaping in that exuberant fashion so inimitably Carp. The loss of the better Tench and Crucians probably explained too? I really thought that with so much cover for the fish to hide in that the fishery would escape the worst excesses but it wasn't to be although there is a healthy stock of modest sized Tench and Crucians to fill the gaps.
Sadly my last season on there before moving to Staffordshire fell foul of Covid and with travel restrictions in place a large influx of local anglers found their way to the pool. The banks began to look worn and indiscriminate 'pruning' of trees and bushes marred the feel of the place for me. However I do feel I probably had the best years the pool had to offer and I know I've left a legacy in the shape of a fishery where none existed before.

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Re: The Secret Pool Part 3.

Post by BoltonBullfinch »

That was lovely reading sir, oh how our memories of our youth linger and take such a hold that they are impossible to discard.

'We fish a lot' Forrest Gump.

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Re: The Secret Pool Part 3.

Post by Grumpy »

I enjoyed part 3.Lets all hope that all who come after you respect the pool and its inhabitants.Thanks for the posts. :Hat:

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Old Man River
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Re: The Secret Pool Part 3.

Post by Old Man River »

A lovely story of the quiet development of a small fishery.

And a sad end to your involvment . Many years ago as a teenager a similar thing happened to a lovely countryside pool I had the pleasure of fishing , nobody but myself ever fished it.
The parallells in the story are such that that both locations quietly grew to be pleasant secluded angling retreats, then along came other anglers uninvited , who sadly did not respect the banks , flora and fauna.

Best to remember your pool as it was when you could enjoy it .

Hurrumph....... whatever happened to Handlines ?

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