Upper Welland near Harringworth

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Rutland Rod
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Upper Welland near Harringworth

Post by Rutland Rod »

In all the virus stuff I thought I’d get out and have a bank walk, the club I’ve just joined is fly only during the trout season and then course fishing up to March 14th, good all rounder stuff. I’d last fished this stretch about 25 years ago and nothing seems to have changed visually apart from Otters doing well...... but so I’m told still some good Chub and Brownies breeding which the catch returns bear out, Image plus a very small stocking of small ish Browns and Grayling. The EA and Wild Trout Trust have done good work. The levels have been up since the autumn and it’s half the width or less than shown in the pic which is looking upstream towards the Harringworth Viaduct.

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Re: Upper Welland near Harringworth

Post by Clivey »

Hi there, i used to drive past here a lot back in my Pest control days, i worked with an old boy who told me there was grayling in there then, this was 25 years ago. Never fished it myself, the stretch at Caldecott just north of Corby looks inviting as well. let me know how you get on.

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Re: Upper Welland near Harringworth

Post by Martin(rockape) »

I used to fish this river when i was a kid rod tied to the crossbar of my bike and a half decent down hill ride from my village Gretton.
The return journey wasn't quite so nice in the hot summer sun.

Back then and that would be in the 1970's this stretch of river running a short distance from the top of Gretton mill pond to a couple of fields the other side of Harringworth was run by Uppingham and District Angling Association.

I would love more information regarding club membership and how much of the river is run by it. I'm not interested in fly fishing just coarse.

So any information will be gratefully received.

Stay safe regards Martin.

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Rutland Rod
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Re: Upper Welland near Harringworth

Post by Rutland Rod »

Clive & Martin,
The whole of the upper Welland from where it rises above Market Harborough down to Stamford and below looks good, a mixture of pools and gravel runs, but there are some straight lengths a fall back to when the drainage boards thought that straightening and dredging helped flooding which it doesn’t it just destroys habitat. On Grayling there have been some EA stocking but it’s not been a success. On fishing opportunities, from Gretton downstream to Duddington (A47) most of the fishing is controlled by two fly fishing clubs. But you used to be able to get a season ticket for £15 to fish upstream from Gretton to nearly Caldecott from the tackle shop in Corby, I would google their number for details. The old Uppingham & DAA club no longer exists, it used to have about 7 miles ! of the river for a bargain price of from memory £5 a season....up to I think the mid 90’s. As soon as fishing starts again I will report on success or otherwise ! Between Caldecott and Harborough I used to ask various farmers for permission to fish, some were fine although I never caught much.

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Re: Upper Welland near Harringworth

Post by Martin(rockape) »

Thank you for your reply.

Stay safe and tight lines when we can venture out again.



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