The Felton Crosswind

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Re: The Felton Crosswind

Post by Mark_Jenkins »

Hi Watermole,
I guess it’s too much to hope for, but if you still have crosswind spares I would be very happy to reimburse you.
The spring clip on the oil port of the handle is the key part I am after as I managed to break mine removing it for cleaning! Doh.
Still you live and learn.
The Felton is one of my favourite reels as they have a very quirky character but cast a good distance.
I am recent to this site but find it a great source of information for which I am very grateful.

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Re: The Felton Crosswind

Post by Watermole+ »

Hello Mark,

Many thanks for your enquiry but am very sorry to say that I am fairly certain now that I no longer have the Felton Crosswind parts...

I put them all in a box and hung on to them for years, hoping that someone somewhere might want them...but it seemed that no-one did.
Only earlier this year, I had a massive and quite mercenary clear out of unwanted tackle that couldn’t even be given away and so many rods and rod pieces fell to the hacksaw and about a dozen different reels, including Hardy, Allcock’s, plus many part built home mades were filed in the bin, never to be seen again, thus creating new sand much-needed space in the garage for new projects!

This may seem brutal to some, but the stage in life is now reached when you have to accept that the road in front is considerably shorter than the one behind and be realistic about what is worth keeping and shedding that unnecessary clutter that will never be used..

I will have a look tomorrow, but do not hold out much hope now...


wm+ :Hat:

"Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? Yet one of them shall not fall without your Father knoweth" ..Jesus of Nazareth, King James AV

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