Hit and run the sun has gone in!

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Hit and run the sun has gone in!

Post by TrentFisher »

So yesterday we finally got some cloud cover and a few degrees less heat!

As I made my way home form work I was bursting to grab a rod and get a couple of hours fishing on my local stretch of the Trent.
Two tins of sweetcorn were opened ,11/2 tins crushed for feed and the the other 1/2 for hook baits.

A small shoulder bag was packed with the basics and my trusty Mitchell 300 added along with the bait .
The rod was my recently acquired 13ft Lee of Redditch Golden Jubilee Fyberon Glass which is becoming a firm favourite for long trotting.

I got to the river around 6.45pm and quickly tackled up adding a 5bb crowquill avon float .
My chosen swim was the end peg which runs at a depth of around 9ft and allows a good 40 yard trot if needed.
After the initial run through's and float adjustments I settled in to the swim standing to trot which is my preference,I like to be in the water.
Time was passing and after around an hour no fish to show for my efforts,but no concerns from my side as the evening was peaceful and I was absorbed in what I was doing.
plop plop was the only sound I made as the grains of yellow corn hit the water and I imagined them drifting in the current and drawing fish into the swim.
This thought was quickly realised as a sharp dip of the float was my first sign of my plan working .The float disappeared from view and the strike was made.
After spirited fight a splendid silver dace came to my wetted hand.Not the roach I was hoping for but rewarding all the same.
I continued to feed my offerings and was soon into another fish ,a lot more resistance this time and after a good battle a bream of around 5lb graced my net. Two more were to follow slightly smaller in size but most welcome.
More trickling of grain followed and the first roach made an appearance .A beautiful fish only 12 ounces or so but beautiful.I managed two more and a couple of chub under the pound mark before the time had passed and the light faded on a very enjoyable adventure.
No pictures but that would just used up precious time!

Thank you reading ,I hope your adventures are as enjoyable wherever you fish

All the best- Nige.

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Re: Hit and run the sun has gone in!

Post by Burnie »

I miss that sort of fishing on the Trent, nothing like it up here, bits of the Tay might work, I will give it another bash when the Salmon anglers have gone.

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Re: Hit and run the sun has gone in!

Post by Paul F »

Well done Nigel, good to get out and get some bites :Hat:

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Re: Hit and run the sun has gone in!

Post by Capebreton »

Great piece of writing

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