The last word.......

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The last word.......

Post by TrentFisher »

With some Saturday morning business out of the way and an early lunch ,time to grab the rod from it 's hook and shoulder my rucksack and head for my local stretch of the Trent at Colwick again.

The plan was to fish the second to last peg of the stretch a nice glide down towards a overhanging willow.The last outing saw plenty of roach and some fine dace ,so more of the same would be welcome.

The session started slowly but eventually a bristling perch came my way.The Aspindale Avon felt good in my hand matched with the Aerial turning with the pace of the river ,I almost forgot I was supposed to watch the tip of the crowquill avon at the same time !

As the time ticked by a few more perch came to hand and one dace but no roach to show for my efforts,no complaints from myself the local king fisher had zipped by more than once and it's a sight I never tier of.

Finally the next bit and resulting strike was met with resistance and the familiar jagged fight of the perch followed ,the Aspindale responded and following a dogged fight my prize was in the net .A perfectly marked stripy looked back at me as I admired it's beauty,it looked to be a little under 2lbs,with hook removed and fish returned to it's watery world my world was complete.....or so I thought

The next cast saw the first signs of roach but that was to come to an abrupt end as I was reeling a small fish the water erupted as Mr Pike decided he needed an easy meal without paying! The next few minutes was deadlock as the pike hung in mid river refusing to let go of his meal,eventually the Aspindale straightened and the drama was over.

I was hoping things may settle down again and after a short period the small perch returned,however as I was reeling one of these bold stripy's in Mr Pike showed himself again by making a grab for my young charge just missing on this occasion ,but it was enough for me to move downstream to the last swim on the stretch.

It was now around 4.00pm so I decided to have a final go at the perch,I laid down a good carpet of red maggots and kept this topped up as I fished worm on the hook in the hope of a better perch before it was time to go.......

It wasn't long before the my plan showed signs it was working with a fish over the pound mark followed by two more,and then a small fish just made it as you guessed it Mr Pike made another attempt at smash and grab just to let me know he was determined to have
"the last word"

......Winter is coming and I hope to get a closer look at Mr Pike when I am in right spirit to angle for's hoping

Thank you for reading

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Bob Brookes
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Re: The last word.......

Post by Bob Brookes »

I did enjoy that. Very descriptive Nige!
"You do not cease to fish because you get old, you get old because you cease to fish"

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Dave Burr
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Re: The last word.......

Post by Dave Burr »

Lovely. The drama of a pike interruption is one of angling's great moments.

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