Replacement creel/bag straps

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Replacement creel/bag straps

Post by BerwickBrook »

I've just stumbled across a spiffing service as provided by a company to be found at .
A little steep for a creel/bag strap maybe, but for £40 you can have your own canvas/hide leather strap made to your specification.
The whizzo part is that the canvas section can be made in the regimental colours of your choice. One could be honest.... or you could go the whole "Walter Mitty", get a sandy coloured one and pass yourself off as "One of Them" from Hereford.
Which ever route, this will ensure that your Ghillie is suitably attired to afford "the Rod" due respect as a "Military Man" of fine standing. This aura has distinct benefits. Firstly, your Ghillie is entitled to vigorously beat other anglers who have the audacity to fish in the swim of your choice prior to your arrival . Secondly, tests have confirmed military associations to be a powerful attractant to "hot crumpet" which is the subject of discussion, and angst, in other posts.
They haven't got the 17th/21st Foot and Mouth regiment's colours (of Umboto Gorge fame) which is a shame, otherwise I'd be buying!


Re: Replacement creel/bag straps

Post by Davyr »

A Blackadder fan, I see! :thumb:


Re: Replacement creel/bag straps

Post by BerwickBrook »


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