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Dating a Mitchell 308

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 5:08 pm
by Jeremy.Airey
H Chaps

i scored myself a beautiful Mitchell 308 a few months back . It is in fabulous condition and very smooth, even the clutch works surprisingly smoothly.
Now where I need your help is in dating it .
it has France 581297 on the foot which from what I have seen so far could mean it was #58 of December 1997 or if not it fits in with a much earlier numbering form '
ON the rotor it is marked "made in France" and gives a US patent number.
The other spanner in the works is that the Mitchell Museum lists the 308 as made between 1959-86 but the reel looks in far to good condition to be 37 or more years old, can not see any signs it was refurbed either. I might of course be looking a gift geegee in the gob .
so can anybody help ?

Best regards

Re: Dating a Mitchell 308

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 5:17 pm
by Keston
Hi Jeremy
The dating guide on the MRM site is for 300 sized Mitchell's and this does tent to lead to some confusion.

From the serial number you provided it would date your 308 to 1966 or 1967 I think.
Some of these ultralight reels have stood the test of time remarkably well and its not unusual to find them in very good condition .

Best wishes