Grayling Magic

This forum is for discussing grayling.
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Lea Dweller
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Re: Grayling Magic

Post by Lea Dweller »

As entertaining as ever Moley! :Hat:
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall!

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Re: Grayling Magic

Post by Moley »

Many thanks to all who like the reporting of the ever stranger world of the Fat Mole :Hat:

Grayling are a wonderful fish and regarded by Fatty as an indicator of not just the river quality but the wider environment......sadly they do seem to be on the decline in the south.

No doubt some are blessed with a river stuffed to the gunnels with them and will argue there is no problem. However, this is not the case with many old haunts frequented by Fatty in the past. Most can no longer be termed Grayling rivers as such although there are still bastions and remnants in some.

Hopefully this is not the situation in the Northern rivers of my youth but have a sneaking suspicion that things might not be as wonderful as they were.

The problem is very likely to stem from not just one obvious source but a multitude of little changes that add up to the demise of such splendid fish and fishing. Gone are the days when thirty to forty Grayling could be had in the space of a few hours, nowadays that sort of figure relates to the entire season, if you are lucky!

Is the Mole, for it is he, a doom monger?

Fatty does hope he is, although talking with others who fish for them a lot, it would appear not :Cry:

It would be very interesting if others concur or nay say the above, recording their thoughts and opinions on this thread or another one :Thumb:

As ever,.......

Say aye tae'a pie!

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