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Wonderful night for lobworms

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 6:18 pm
by Troydog
Mild, no wind and wet. Every lobworm and his dog was out tonight. On a night like this (sorry Bob Dylan) you can pick up a worm on every step that you take. Several large specimens were completely out of their holes, looking for love presumably.
It was as if they were saying “Please take me perch fishing.”
And so tomorrow, as the mild south westerly winds lift the water temperature, their wish will be granted.....

Re: Wonderful night for lobworms

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:31 am
by Catfish.017
It's strange but here in the Swansea Valley, on a rather stony heavy clay loam, true lob worms are quite scarce. In their place we have lots of the wiry, pale bodied, blue headed specimens. When I encounter a fresh , bright , pink tinged monster I can't bring myself to put a hook in it! Same with Gudgeon too, the best big Perch bait bar none.

Re: Wonderful night for lobworms

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:07 pm
by Aitch
Certainly was in my garage... the lid was loose on my worm tub and all bar 6 or 7 lobs were left out of a tub of 50...
I think word got about that it was a Lobworms party night last night

Re: Wonderful night for lobworms

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:11 pm
by Troydog
Ah Catfish.017 you are absolutely right about the location of the classic lobworm. It has to be a certain type of soil- stony heavy clay doesn’t sound right. This Soil is black and has been cultivated for many years. We have a few wiry blue headed specimens but I ignore them on collection night. I know what you mean about sticking a hook in them; I also love gudgeon....

Re: Wonderful night for lobworms

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:14 pm
by Troydog
Hey Aitch, they are on lockdown like the rest of us. Surely there’s a £10.000 fine coming for someone???