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Martin James Rod just arrived.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:49 am
by AshbyCut
OK ... the diminishment of my sanity is now confirmed. I simply couldn't resist this rod, even though it's tip is broken, because there is a transfer sticker bearing the legend "Supplied by Aubrey Hill, Sports Outfitter, 8 Holbrooks Lane, Coventry. Phone 88878." ... a mere 2 1/2 miles from my front door.

The ebay listing also stated that there was the name "Carter James" on the rod ... but this appeared to be "Martin James" to me in the photo, and this has proved to be the case.

Complete it would be an 11 footer, and I'm hoping that the "Tip Fairy" will visit one night and return it to it's former glory ... either that or I'll have to start saving hard. Still ... for £14.50p at the very least I have a piece of local angling history for my wall. (I don't suppose anyone has a spare Martin James tip lying around in their shed ??? :wink: )

I shall start to make investigations into "Aubrey Hill" now ... anyone know anything ?



Re: Martin James Rod just arrived.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:54 pm
by StalkingLuke
Looks like it could be a nice rod, I was tempted myself.

Re: Martin James Rod just arrived.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:31 pm
by AshbyCut
Well ... time came to make a decision. The choices were :-

a) Just keep the rod on my wall.

b) Removing the guide left nearest to the tip, replace it with a tip guide, and fish it 6 inches short.

c) Investigate the possibility of having it restored by a professional.

d) Have a go at a first restoration project myself.

I think the rod deserves better than alternatives a and b, and being on a pension alternative c would need a lottery win ... so ...

The Gods of the angle help me ... I'm going to have a go myself.

I have found that Chapmans website says they have Allcock's Record Breaker tip blanks available for just over £50, which the say they are 42" long with a taper from .240 - .100. Having used my vernier on the broken tip I find it's .239 - .119 at the point where it was broken at 36 inches, which seems to match very well ... so I'll be on the phone tomorrow morning to see if they can send me one (along with a tip guide and a hook keeper).

Deciding to re-use the guides that are on the rod already, I started to remove those on the tip section this morning. The guide whipping as well as the spiral whipping that runs the length of the rod appeared to be black, apart from some bright red highlights spaced along the length.


That was until I turned over what I'd taken off the guide whipping and found it to be a startling turquoise blue/green ... and scraped the treacle varnish off the spiral decoration and found it to be a deep gold yellow.


With the red spacing details ...


... this must have looked quite gaudy when new ... to my taste anyway. I think I'll go for a more understated finish ... but we'll see.

I'll try to keep you informed as the project progresses.

Re: Martin James Rod just arrived.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:09 pm
by Nobby
I realise that funds are an issue, but those rings don't look too bright in the close-up photos. Why not replace the whole lot? would cost you about £20 to get a full set of stand-off rings from Chapmans.

But don't forget you are going to need a ferrule counter on a new tip and getting the old one off the short tip can be fiddly if the glue is still holding well. You might end up having to drill it out and then scraping away the remaining cane and glue from inside..this can take all day!

Whatever you do...move quickly...that Chapman price is so cheap because they can't access the site to change it and are having a whole new site built which will go live any day now........ :wink:

Re: Martin James Rod just arrived.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:16 pm
by Beresford
Yes I agree, buy a new set of rings. You could do your own take on the colours, something more subtle but in keeping with its history, perhaps a very deep blue in place of turquoise with pale straw intermediates.

Re: Martin James Rod just arrived.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:25 pm
by AshbyCut
Thanks for the advice, gentlemen. You're right, of course ... some saying about "a ha'porth of tar" springs to mind.

Re: Martin James Rod just arrived.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:50 pm
by CraigM
Good luck with the restoration, Malcolm.

The raffle roach rod hasn't had a run out yet but has had the varnish & odd loose whipping touched up. Will let you know when it has visited a bank.


Re: Martin James Rod just arrived.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:16 pm
by AshbyCut
CraigM wrote:Will let you know when it has visited a bank.
Thanks on both counts, Sir. Looking forward to your reports.

Re: Martin James Rod just arrived.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:15 am
by AshbyCut
Just off the phone with a most helpful gentleman at Chapmans.

An Allcock's Lucky Strike tip section, a complete set of guides, and one of their folding hook keepers will be in the post today !!! Hurrah !!!

Re: Martin James Rod just arrived.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:22 am
by St.John
Good job! Was that john? Their customer service is fantastic.