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Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:38 pm
by Moley
River Test 1100-1600hrs.

Waggler and Bread, fished John Dean Style ie running through at half to three quarter depth whilst trying to practice slowing down the float without sinking it. :Wink:

When I got it right:


Two Cock Grayling the first and biggest at 18'' and the other 16''. Both looking splendid in the Autumn leaves.....however, only one picture of the bigger one is worth showing as I fell over whist taking the portrait of the other, making the focus look interesting, to say the least :Sarcasm:

When I got it wrong:


So many of these I lost count, all fought well though with some very large......monsters really :surrender:

As the sight of the float was starting to become difficult I experienced a Britney Spears moment......Ooops I did it again!


Not quite though. :doh:

This specimen weighed 1lb 10oz according to the Avons, it was all a bit hurried and put back quickly, in the vain hope of getting his Dad, but by the time I had stopped shaking enough to present a half decent line it was too dark. so not meant to be! :Hat:

Upon explaining to Matron :Scared: about the roach she replied insouciantly: 'Does this make you the Britney Spears of Roach fishing then?'

Women hey? :hairpull:

As ever,.........


Re: Roach

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:45 am
by Duebel
What a great day's fishing. Nice write up and pictures! I'll build some wagglers and will download a few of Ms Spears' songs ... hit me baby one more time!

Re: Roach

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:50 am
by Dave Burr
A curse on your wife's toxic remark, you get out there and catch that baby one more time - and that's all the titles I could bother to Google

Nice fishing Moley, or should Mark change that to Britney?

Re: Roach

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:42 am
by Ian
Looks like a good days fishing.nice pics and write up.well done