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Bob Richards' Second Thirty....

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 5:56 am
by Jardine
I have just been reading "The Fishing Diaries of Eddie Price" and was surprised to learn that in July 1956 Bob Richards had caught a second big carp of 31lb 8 ounces. The fish, a Leather was foul hooked in the belly and was either killed or died. Eddie Price who was fishing with Bob Richards took the fish home and made an attempt to set the fish up. I can't recall this capture being mentioned in any other books.
Does anyone have additional information on this capture?
Best regards

Re: Bob Richards' Second Thirty....

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:25 am
by Gary Bills
I seem to recall it was hooked in the throat...?

Re: Bob Richards' Second Thirty....

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:44 pm
by Chris Ball
It’s in the history books - Century of Carp Fishing, A History of Carp Fishing, The King Carp Waters, A History of Carp Fishing Revisited, etc.

Re: Bob Richards' Second Thirty....

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:08 pm
by Jardine
Hi Chris,
I just found it in "A History of Carp Fishing" and indeed it is listed in a table of big fish caught.
I was not aware of it before reading Eddie Price's account.
The fish was set up, does it still exist?
Best regards

Re: Bob Richards' Second Thirty....

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:10 am
by Chris Ball
Mem, Though I’m not sure if the cased fish survives, Eddie Price’s son Matthew will know. Will find out.
Cheers, ChrisB

Re: Bob Richards' Second Thirty....

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:13 am
by Jardine
Thanks Chris,
it would be great to see a picture of it.
Best regards

Re: Bob Richards' Second Thirty....

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:00 am
by Len Arbery
Here, as requested, are a couple of pictures of Bob Richards' 'second thirty', 31lb 8oz, caught in July 1956.



The top pic is taken at the time of capture, and similar to the image to be seen in the book, 'Redmire Pool', on page 35. The second is taken from page 36 of 'Redmire Pool', this shows Eddie Price in his home with the fish in its case; unfortunately this case does not now exist, it deteriorated too badly for it to be saved, I was reliably informed.

Regards, Len.

Re: Bob Richards' Second Thirty....

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:23 am
by Mark
Lovely pictures and story in this thread chaps. :Hat:

Re: Bob Richards' Second Thirty....

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 2:28 am
by Jardine
Thanks Len,
I will get a copy of Redmire Pool, do you know if the fish died naturally or did Bob Richards knock it on the head?
Best regards

Re: Bob Richards' Second Thirty....

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:34 am
by Len Arbery
Hello Jardine (Mem),

Full account as per 'Redmire Pool'; pp 34-35:

'Bob Richards arrived at Redmire with his friends Alan Hind and Eddie Price in the early evening, around 7.45pm. Fish were moving well all over the pool and at 11pm Bob had a run. After a tremendous fight, lasting 25 minutes, Bob landed a massive leather carp. In removing it from the landing net, he found it was foul-hooked in the chest, just below the throat. It was immediately weighed at 31 1/2 lb. and put in a sack to be photographed the following morning. On inspection the next day, the fish was found to be dead, and assumed to have suffocated in the closely woven sack. Bob was obviously upset, but decided to have the fish set-up. Bob's capture put him on a par with Dick Walker, they being the only men to have caught carp weighing more than 30lb, and they had both achieved this feat twice!'

Regards, Len.