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Am l the only one?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 9:01 am
by N9nty
I am no specimen hunter but I have been fishing now for about 60 odd years with a reasonable amount of success. In all that time I have never caught a 2lb roach, outside of a glass case I have never even seen a 2lb roach. I have caught specimen fish of every other species but the specimen roach eludes me. I have fished many waters where the fish grow to beyond this size without breaking the magic barrier.

Am I the only one?


Re: Am l the only one?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 9:24 am
by Mark
My biggest roach is 1lb 14oz caught on the canal about 20 years ago, I have not had anything close to that since.

Re: Am l the only one?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 9:36 am
by Crucian
Like you,I think most of us are still trying for that elusive 2lb roach.
I caught plenty over that size when stationed in Germany in the 70's, but haven't come close in this country.
Catching roach of any size still thrills me after all these years, my favourite fish by far... unless I'm fishing for tench...or crucians..or..
Good luck with your quest.

Re: Am l the only one?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 9:49 am
by Dave Burr
They certainly are enigmatic creatures. In over fifty years of fishing I have landed a single two pounder from a still water that abounded with big roach. I would certainly have taken more had the water not become closed to day ticket fishers. I lost a good river 'two' at the net from a swim that has produced several 1.8's for me and I also lost what felt like a very big roach from a swim on the Test that had recently produced a three! I had to be happy with another 1.8...... which I was but some lost fish send ripples that take a while to die down.

The trouble nowadays is that I am drawn to waters where the roach are in decline and it is no coincidence that the growth of the barbel population seems to factor in that equation. Also, those still waters with a reputation for roach have often declined by the amount of carp activity in them.

Re: Am l the only one?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 10:01 am
by Woodytia
You are not alone, my biggest was caught years ago at just under a pound, I've caught lots up to that size since. I generally just go fishing in places where there are variety of species, one venue I'm told does hold big Roach, a diving club uses the reservoir to train and they see large shoals of them, there have been recent unconfirmed reports of capture but I've never seen one or even a picture.

Re: Am l the only one?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 10:57 am
by Santiago
My biggest so far is a wee 1lb 2oz from the Thames last year, which was the first year that I actually caught several over the pound mark after fishing the Thames for over twenty years. Apparently, they're growing bigger here and there have been reports of matchmen catching quite a few two pounders several miles upstream from where I fish. Perhaps they'll come my way.

I once saw a 3lb roach being caught from a small brick pond in York. The angler didn't make any fuss and never reported it to the Angling press. It was a mighty fish with a dark greeny bronzy back. I suppose it could have been a hybrid, but there were no bream in the water, but back in the seventies this water was stocked by several anglers with fish from the local rivers, including several 5lb chub and even flat fish.

Re: Am l the only one?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 11:19 am
by Olly
I have been lucky to have had some - but not many! From the Thames long ago and Avon in the last 10 years. Best 2lb6oz from the Avon.

As a teenager the Tidal Thames gave me my first 2lber amongst many 1lb + fish - mostly on cheese!

Re: Am l the only one?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 1:29 pm
by Beresford
2lbs 4oz caught fly fishing. Best on bait a bit over a pound.

Re: Am l the only one?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 6:15 pm
by Fredline
Nor me. 1lb 9oz from the River Wissey, the Beetroot factory stretch in 1974 with a block end feeder. It had a lot more water then. I fished the Craven Estate on the River Kennet around the same time and Big Cliff had 4 over 2lb trotting 10 yards away from me. I have never forgiven him.

Re: Am l the only one?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 6:29 pm
by NiceRoach
My best roach went to 1lb 10 oz, and was followed quickly in the same session by another that weighed exactly the same. Both were caught on double caster, similarly to others these were canal fish, and I haven't even come close ever since I caught the pair around 1982/3 :tea: