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A little bit of history.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:02 pm
by AshbyCut
I stumbled across some information about the Martin James company whilst fossicking on the interweb. It is part of a reply to a question someone asked about a rod he has.

"He produced rods in Redditch during the mid 1800's although his family carried on the business for a good while after that. I am Martin James Gt. Gt. Grandaughter and I remember being taken to stand outside the now deserted factory in the 1950's. As far as I know his split cane rods are quite revered, and should certainly be worth something. Martin only had 1 son, William Martin born 1850 although he did have 4 daughters, Helen, Mary{my Gt.Grandmother} Catherine and Henrietta {Hetty}who never married and went to live with her sister Mary's family."

Re: A little bit of history.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:20 pm
by Tengisgol
I have had a Martin James rod here for years and had forgotten about it until last week. When I found it and put it together (albeit a loose ferrule) it seemed remarkably good (whole cane or reed, not sure, with spliced split cane into the tip).

I have put it into the list for refurbishment!

Re: A little bit of history.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:36 pm
by Wildfisher
I enjoy ASHBYCUT's site and I love the ideas on your site Tengisgol.

I wish I had more time to explore this Traditional site....

Best Wishes