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Re: Seating....

Post by Kevanf1 »

I do have a tackle trolley. My dearest wife persuaded me to buy it about 8 years ago. I have never used it and it is now rather rusty :( It would have been fine but nothing actually fitted on it properly and it was a pain in the end..
Currently reading......Go Fishing For Bass and Go Fishing For Skate and Rays both by Graeme Pullen, The Kill Switch by James Rollins, Raspberry Pi Manual - Haynes, 'Make: Electronics by Charles Platt' & the 'Myford series 7 manual by Ian Bradley'

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Re: Seating....

Post by Snape »

A bit pricey at £180 but I quite like this for stalking... ... ClassID=47

“Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers,” Herbert Hoover.
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Re: Seating....

Post by Snape »

Maybe this one at £99 is a bit more usuable. ... ClassID=47

“Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers,” Herbert Hoover.
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Re: Seating....

Post by Vole »

If only it has adjustable legs - even just at the front.
Doesn't that front bar get uncomfortable after a while? (I'm a complete wimp, the assortment of foam cushions and kneelers I carry makes any swim I'm in look like the aftermath of a drone-strike on a slum).
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Re: Seating....

Post by Julian »

Snape wrote:A bit pricey at £180 but I quite like this for stalking... ... ClassID=47


Bit of a ridiculous price :chuckle:
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Re: Seating....

Post by Tench Dreamer »

The Holy grail of seating , ie trying to find the lightest, smallest most comfortable place to park me Bum and rest me :geek: Ive tried so many ..... given them away coz most are so uncomfortable that they are useless( personal opinion of course)

Ruck sack stool , nice idea. But too high.....In the end its my basket or a proper chair.I think any session over 3 hours would warrant proper fishing chair.

I do remember fishing a Pit in the early 80s where someone had dumped an old arm chair.Now i mean a three peice suit.Bright red.In summer when it was dry, it wasnt half comfy :)

Avanti are doing a seat Box for £20 ....maybe :shocked:

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Re: Seating....

Post by Moley »

I use a Bucket with a lid and cushion. The bucket takes all my bait and tackle, apart from rods and net. It is just the right height for the Fat Mole legs to reach the ground and 'keep a straight back that man!'

The cost is a very reasonable £6.99, so when it eventually splits under the weight of the gargantuan Fat Mole*, usually after two seasons, the bank is not broken getting a replacement.

Another bonus is that my cakes stay dry, as the lid is airtight....Happy Days!

The Fat Mole is not the brightest tool in the tool-box but has learned a few things over the years with many 'false Dawns' (a treacherous girl if ever there was one!) with regard to seating arrangements of various costs and efficiency. The present system is the best I have ever used for keeping my cakes in pristine condition....until they meet their fate that is! :D

Nowadays a cake is the first essential item of tackle in the 'bucket'. Sometimes I forget the rest of the gear but ALWAYS have a cake...So even if the fish are not biting, at least I am, Hurrah!

Moles, according to Vole on another thread, know things? :ugeek:

Mole Power!!! :sun:

* the Weather is not the best here at the moment but I have just eaten 8 Mince Pies with three cups of tea....So not all bad then?
Say aye tae'a pie!

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Re: Seating....

Post by GarryProcter »

Moley, do you now have a small water-tight cake container for when you are trout fishing? Only I seem to recall a tear-jerking tale of a sad, sodden Battenburg when you were on a fly fishing foray...

And forgive me, as I'm something of a novice at this cake consuming game (though my size belies this fact), but if cake is the first thing to go in your bucket, does it not get squished by your secret spadge, and all the other stuff that will end up on top of it? Perhaps you have a special cake compartment in the bottom of your bucket.

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Re: Seating....

Post by Moley »

Gary, yes it is true I do not take my bucket trout fishing so 'suffered' the dire consequences of a 'trip' in the cake did indeed get a soaking!

Never fear about my cakes getting crushed in my bucket, as they always reside in an OXO Tin and I never take more than a pint of 'Spadge' at a time as the smell becomes unbelievable!

Matron will not let me open my Jar of Spadge in the house now! I keep it in a sealed Kilner Jar to kep the smell in but it still escapes somehow?

I get the blame for everything bad in this house-hold, so it is a good thing that, despite carrying an extra pound or twenty, am still fairly quick on my feet and skilled in the black art of 'ducking & diving!' Poor Matron, although she possesses superior 'fire power' just simply lacks the low and downright cunning of the Fat Mole.

In fact I can hear the distant rumble of the Jack-Booted approach of Matron. I have no-doubt that I am the root cause of some major indiscretion, as I can hear derogatory phrases emanating from my beloved Angel's mouth about the parentage of a certain Fat Mole....time for the pub methinks!

In haste.....

Mole Power!!! :sun:
Say aye tae'a pie!

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Re: Seating....

Post by Tench Dreamer »

sorry got me fingers all wrong....question what kind of bucket Moley

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