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Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:59 am
by Walterswim
I am lucky enough to own one of the early Barry Grantham versions, however, a bit special in that this one initially belonged to Maurice Ingham, inscribed inside R. Walker 'BB' Centre Pin Made Specially for Maurice Ingham by B. Grantham in memory of his good friends R. Walker & 'BB' 1992. - I have posted a few pics, I hope they come out. It is 5.7/8" diameter with a 3/4" width drum


Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:01 am
by Walterswim

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:02 am
by Walterswim

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:04 am
by Walterswim

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:00 pm
by QuinetteCane
Thanks for the posting W.
It would be most interesing if you can post the weight of your version...... Please?

BTW I have found quite by luck that if you press Preview after each picture Tinypic will let you add more
to the same post. (Ooh SmugMode.) Sorry. None Intended.

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:37 pm
by Walterswim
Its just under 14 and a half ounces (411 grams)

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:50 pm
by Nobby
QuinetteCane wrote:Thanks for the posting W.
It would be most interesing if you can post the weight of your version...... Please?

BTW I have found quite by luck that if you press Preview after each picture Tinypic will let you add more
to the same post. (Ooh SmugMode.) Sorry. None Intended.

I didn't know that!


Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:01 pm
by Mike Wilson
Hi Len
As requested here is my story of events. Its funny how the jigsaw of life sets one on different paths.

Having just launched the 'Fighting Fund for Angling' for NASA I was concerned about the collection and security of monies collected [into 5 figures!].
Ken Sutton, at the time, front man for the ACA, offered to help me and I drove over to his house to set everything up for Kathy and Neville Fickling. Whilst there Ken dug out a few pictures for me to use in my talks which were dupes of shots taken by Angling Times of the Tom Sails match and published elsewhere, amongst them was a picture taken by Ken of Dick in his shed [about 1951]. Shown on the table was a large centerpin with a smaller one underneath.
On a visit to Dick I took the photo and asked him about the reel and learned that it was one of two that Dick had made, one for BB the other for Jack Thorndyke, then Editor of the Angling Times.
On a visit to BB I enquired after the reel and after some searching [!] BB came back with the reel and the Mark IV that Dick had made. Both in need of TLC as BB had used them for Bass fishing. I later sorted out the rod after Dick found a replacement white agate butt ring and matched the silks for some rewhipping.
The reel at first would not come apart until a little pressure applied had it moving. The spindle was completely dry. A drop of oil from the dipstick of my car soon freed it , the inside however was full of sand and I was concerned that I could damage the bearings without a proper clean [which I would do at home].
Thankfully the reel didn't show much galvanic corrosion, that white powdery substance generally found on low grade aluminium alloys which was activated by the action of seawater and is why quality sea reels are anodised.
I have machined, as no doubt has Len, both aluminium and magnesium alloys and never experienced a conflagration although, of course, pure magnesium was used extensively in incendiary bombs during the war.
Some of the pictures shown on a very early post [2011] under 'BB Pictures' also show the reel held, prior to cleaning, by Des Taylor [he wanted to meet Dick ] and after cleaning, with the Mark IV. Perhaps Mark may be able to move these across to help complete the record.
Just a thought, the cog used to sound the check wasn't actually made by Dick but one from his lawnmower stock.
I can't give dates etc., at present as BB's postcards are with a publisher on another project but I think 1983 would be about right.


Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:31 pm
by QuinetteCane
Thanks for checking out the weight W
So the copy comes in at 71grams heavier than the original.
Is that possible with conventional ally. Anyone here know Please?

I must add a large Thank You to everyone contributing to this most interesting forum,

Now if only the mystery would resolve. Ah well ?

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:39 pm
by Paul D
There are many grades/types of aluminium alloys with many different properties/weights, my best guess and it is only guess is that it's Dural if it was made now days I would have said something like 7075 (it has that dull look).
Whatever its made of I am so grateful to have seen it.... many thanks :Hat: