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Re: Eels

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:27 pm
by Michael
If you want a reasonable read regarding eel fishing, you may want to try any of the books by John Sidley. I`ve read them over the years and found them useful.............

Re: Eels

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:35 am
by Santiago
My son and I till recently used to fish for eels on the Thames. We've had them to 5lb and the big ones really battle. Pound for pound definetly harder than barbel or carp! Year before last I never fished for them but still managed a 3lb 8 oz eel on trout pellet when after barbel. It battled so hard I actually thought it was a big barbel until it came to the surface. Last season I fished for them only on one occasion. Within 10 min of first cast I had a 3lb 9oz fish, and then settled down to wait, with two rods out. The bite alarm bleeped for a second on the nearest one, so I readied myself to strike as soon as the second run starts. Within seconds, the alarm screamed as an unknown fish tore off. So I struck, but alas 'twas into thin air. Stunned and annoyed I uttered an expletive. Then realised the bite alarm was still screaming and the bite alarm on the other rod was lit up as well. Had I struck at the wrong rod or did I have simultaneous runs on both rods? This time my hook hold was sure, and reeled in a nice 3lb.der.

Most of the big eels we have caught we have never even touched. We use about 2' of15lb maxima as a hooklink with a small running lead, size 6 hook into just the head of a bleak. Strike as soon as they tare off! Use a hook with a slightly crushed barb. Once landed, but with net still in the water, I carefully wrap the hooklink once around my cuff and lift the head and about 3rd of the body out of the water. With forceps in the other hand, I remove the hook using the eels own weight, with a quick flick and circular motion. This only works when lip hooked, and most of our fish are lip hooked!

Recruitment must be bad though, over the last 10 years we have barely caught any eels below the 1 1/2 pound mark. Most in the 2 to 3lb bracket.

Re: Eels

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:25 pm
by John Davis
If you want a really good, and upto date book to read on eel fishing, the one to look out for is called Eels, the final frontier by Steve Ricketts. And ones to look out for in the future are by Barry McConnell, whos a bit of a eel fishing legend. And another one in the pipeline by the NAC who are the longest standing single species fishing club.
I have to disagree with bigfish, mono hook lengths when eel fishing are not a good idea at all, and especially when using dead baits.

Re: Eels

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:50 pm
by Santiago
We find with just bleak head as bait we do not encounter any pike. At 15lb the mono does not twist unlike wire of same strenght. One big eel and most wires are trashed with all the twisting, even with the best swivels. When using mono as hooklink you have to use 15lb or more.

Re: Eels

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:02 pm
by Michael
John Davis wrote:If you want a really good, and upto date book to read on eel fishing, the one to look out for is called Eels, the final frontier by Steve Ricketts. And ones to look out for in the future are by Barry McConnell, whos a bit of a eel fishing legend. And another one in the pipeline by the NAC who are the longest standing single species fishing club.
I have to disagree with bigfish, mono hook lengths when eel fishing are not a good idea at all, and especially when using dead baits.
I`ll agree with you there John, Eels, the final frontier by Steve Ricketts, is a cracking read, I got it when it first came out. Yes, John Sidleys book are not up to date, with more modern techniques etc, but its still a good read, shame he`s not around any more.

Re: Eels

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:07 pm
by John Davis
Merlot, I think Steve might be working on a second book, if he's at the NAC's AGM this Sunday I'll ask him. Yes, John Sidley is sadly missed. He certainly was a character, not many like that about anymore which is more the pity. Barry McConnell is certainly a character, his books on eel fishing when there released will be well worth reading, especially on his Australian and New Zealand adventures.

Bigfish, we will have to agree, to disagree. In 30 years of fishing for eels, I learned 29 years ago that nylon is not eel proof at all. I'd sooner waste wire and change my trace, than chance getting bit off.

Re: Eels

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:02 pm
by Michael
Please do John, I would be most interested to know..........

Re: Eels

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:50 pm
by CraigM
Do you need a wire trace for eels?

I'd assumed it was a "pike precaution" if fishing with a small deadbait.


Re: Eels

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:10 am
by John Davis
No problem Merlot, its either a new book or a updated version. He has caught some big, big eels since he first wrote that book, and a P.B of 9lb 10oz.

Hi Craig, most definitely mate. Also eels can, and will bite through nylon, and all the eel fisherman that I know would never use it as a hook length. Eels, both the broad head, and narrow headed variety have teeth, and they can, and will bite through both nylon and braided hook lengths and sod's law dictates it will be when a really big eel takes your bait, why risk it. I've also caught several 20lb+ pike while fishing for eels on ridiculously small baits and thats another reason for me to always use wire.

Re: Eels

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:18 am
by CraigM
Thanks John.

Wire trace it is then.

I now use 25lb wire [Farnham AS rules] for pike fishing.

I've got some nice, fine 10lb wire & would plan to use this for eel fishing with worms or meat unless anyone suggests something different.

I appreciate the risk of a pike & would use the 25lb with a dead fish bait.