The Wye is flooded, where can I go fishing tomorrow?

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Re: The Wye is flooded, where can I go fishing tomorrow?

Post by Tengisgol »

Well, that was some adventure! You won't be surprised to hear there was no-one else on the river today. Everything was thrown at us; mega hailstone storm, horizontal rain, full size trees coming down and the river came up a foot as we watched (from an already very swollen state).

For anyone who is considering venturing out, you do need to be super-careful. I have fished this stretch for getting on for 25 years so that helps. You can never be too cautious.

My tip is to find walking pace water close to the bank at the spot nearest to where you caught or saw them in the summer. Nice clean bottom helps (that's the riverbed, I mean!). Big lumps of spam with an 18" hook length to keep the leaves away.

Finish off with a pint of the finest, then a shepherds pie and sherry trifle courtesy of the mother-in-law!

This one came from a spot where I have slept amongst buttercups in springtime, they're very washed out now colour-wise.

Where the willows meet the water...

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Re: The Wye is flooded, where can I go fishing tomorrow?

Post by Mario »

good advice there

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