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Post by Iasgair »

I have to include this fly in our tutorial series. It's not a classic, but dang it catches fish so well I can't keep it to myself. I want to share it with you so if you want you can try it out for yourself and I hope it does as well for you as it has for me.

Hook: Partridge SLD2 size 12
Thread: Camel
Glass Bead: Honey colored
Wire: Small or Brassie copper
Body: SLF Antron March Brown
Thorax: SLF Prism Hares Ear
Hackle: Partridge

Place your beadhead onto the hook and place the hook into the vise.

Take your thread and start 2mm behind the bead and wrap back to the bend of the hook. Now we add the goose biots. Take two biots and line them up but make sure the tips flare out.

Length of the biots should be the length of the hook shank. Now hold them above the the shank and tie them in by using a loose pinch wrap and then wrap around again and tighten by little tugs. I find this helps to keep the biots on top, plus keep your index finger behind the biots to help stop them from sliding to the side of the hook.

Now take your thread and go between the biots to keep them open and then tighten down.

Wrap the biots all the way to where your thread wrap to the bead.

Take your copper wire and tie it in as you wrap back to the hook bend.

Now take the Antron dubbing and roll it onto the thread. Start wrapping it up the shank to about 2mm to the bead head.

Now wrap the wire up and tie it off.

Take the Hares Ear Prism dubbing, wrap your thorax up to the bead.

Now we pick the hackle feather.

Choose a feather and tie it in by the tip.

Ok, take a breath and a drink of your favorite beverage. We are almost done.

Now stroke the feather fibers back.

Wrap the feather two times around the hook. If you like the look of three wraps, go ahead and do it. But no more than three.

Now tie it off and wrap back a little to make the hackle bend back over the body just slightly. Then build up the head, whip finish and then add resin to the head.
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Re: Gingerbread

Post by Ian »

That was a great tutorial iasgair,and the end product looks a sure killer on our rivers and streams. Lovely fly iasgair and one I’m sure the forum members will want to have in their wallets. I am going grayling fishing tomorrow and I’m definitely going to give this fly a proper go now that the water has finally settled to a level where the colour will have dropped out. The partridge gives it a real leggy look that will be irresistible to all fish.
Thanks very much for the detailed tutorial. Ok I’m away to tie one or ten👍
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Re: Gingerbread

Post by Liphook »

That's an excellent SBS and a great looking fly :Thumb:

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