Wye week

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Nigel Rainton
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Wye week

Post by Nigel Rainton »

On Tuesday 16 August I woke at 5:00am and couldn't go back to sleep. It was a chilly morning and mist was rising in the fields behind the house. I thought about the journey to the Red Lion at Bredwardine and the weather forecast for the Golden Valley. Rain was forecast for later in the week and that might freshen up the river. After breakfast we loaded up the Land Rover, collected a full tank of diesel and headed West.

The 170 mile drive took five hours which was a big improvement on last year's nine hours. Google Maps said the journey should take three hours and twenty minutes but not in a Defender. It was a boring uneventful journey and we didn't get lost. As we drove over the bridge at Bredwardine the river looked low and dark brown, the bridge pool was full of children, dogs and canoes. I won't bother with that stretch of river!

After wishing Mike a Happy Birthday and checking in, we chilled out in the garden and listened to three Buzzards circling over the hills. A horse clip-clopped down the lane and everything was peaceful. High Cirrus clouds drifted on a gentle breeze and a couple of jets passed silently overhead. Too high to be heard.

There was time for an evening walk along the river before the bar opened and I wanted to have a look at Beat 2. On Wednesday evening I would start at Bob's Bush if the pool was free. I knew the pool from previous years and it would be a good place to gauge the condition of the river and my tactics for the rest of the week.

I thought my tactics should be to keep quiet and sit it out. Not move around the pools. I would fish the fast deep water and roll small baits. I would feed lightly and fish late in the afternoon through to dusk. I would need a good breakfast because I would probably miss dinner, last orders were 9:00pm sharp. Not a minute past.

I took only vintage tackle with me. My B James Mk IV, a couple of Bruce and Walker CTM Carp rods and a CTM 12 for float fishing. I also took several Mitchell 300 reels with various spare spools. They would suit any of the rods.

We drove across the fields to Beat 2 and I wandered downstream, it looked good. There was quite a lot of weed and the bankside cover was good. I saw a pike shoot out from the margins, it was well over 20lb.

We visited the beat just above Bredwardine Bridge and I found a swim that looked good. We hurried back to the pub for fish and chips and a pint, it was excellent.
Tomorrow can't come quickly enough. Watch this space :-)
Last edited by Nigel Rainton on Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wye week

Post by Tengisgol »

Good luck and say hi to Mike!
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Re: Wye week

Post by Kingfisher »

Tight lines SofaSurfer, you've certainly picked some nice weather for it.

God never did make a more calm, quiet, innocent recreation than angling.

Izaak Walton

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Re: Wye week

Post by Dave Burr »

Tight Lines SS, I may catch up with you during your stay. :Hat:

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Re: Wye week

Post by Nigel Rainton »


That would be great, bring your wife along, beers are on me :-)

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Re: Wye week

Post by CraigM »

Best of luck, Sofasurfer.

Sitting here in the office in Aldershot I'm remembering my two trips to the Red Lion & the fishing.


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Nigel Rainton
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Re: Wye week

Post by Nigel Rainton »

Wednesday 17 August

It was a beautiful morning, breakfast and then shopping for books in Hay on Wye. I found a first edition BB last year. The weather forecast was hot and sunny, good for shopping but terrible for fishing.

I was in luck, I found a 1st of 'White Road..... '. Even luckier I bought a cardboard box full of traditional fishing goodies including two Speedias, a Boxed Mitchell with papers and a DAM Quick boxed with papers. Loads of Harcork floats and other desirables. Too much to list here.

We set out for Beat 2 at 4:00pm and I was keeping my fingers crossed that Bob's Bush was available. I had scouted three other swims just incase it was occupied.

It was free, nobody was fishing the Beat. I set up and fished hard until 8:00pm when I had chub about 3lb on luncheon meat rolled through the crease. I had few Barbelish knocks but nothing developed.
At least I didn't blank.

No photos, fast broadband hasn't reached Herefordshire yet.

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Re: Wye week

Post by Nigel Rainton »

Thursday 18 August

It was overcast and cool in the morning, the forecast overnight rain didn't happen. A perfect day for fishing.

I started in a large pool at the top of Beat 2, the current and depth seemed about right. I had seen a few fish crashing about yesterday and they didn't look like Salmon.

I started at 4:30pm and rolled luncheon meat down the crease. I lost a barbel on the first cast, the fish rolled on the surface and the hook dropped out.

I rolled meat and used quite a lot of groundbait. Three chub, best about 3lb and at 7:30pm everything went quiet. It was great fun touch ledgering with two rods, one in each hand.

Rain forecast for tomorrow, I hope the river rises a bit :-)

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Re: Wye week

Post by Nigel Rainton »

Friday 19 August

There would be 22 anglers arriving at the hotel today, I would need to get to my chosen pool before the hoards descended. The morning was wet and windy but forecast to clear in the late afternoon. A trip to Hay revealed a total lack of luncheon meat but I bought a loaf of bread for trotting. I might choose a long glide and trot for chub in the evening.

At 3:30pm we set out for the river. Every pool that I had earmarked was occupied. Eventually I found a nice deep glide under a Willow Tree. I rolled meat and caught three chub. It rained for an hour and more is forecast overnight. Hopefully the river will rise for tomorrow's adventure at Hoarwithy.

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Nigel Rainton
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Re: Wye week

Post by Nigel Rainton »

Saturday 20 August, The Old Harp Fishery at Hoarwithy

One word - canoeists.

Enough said.

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