continental and UK beach fishing rods

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Phil Arnott
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Joined: Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:21 pm
Location: East Yorkshire

Re: continental and UK beach fishing rods

Post by Phil Arnott »

Hi John,

sorry about the "Ruffe", I rushed the reply and just looked above your name. I now realise I'm "Stickleback"!

Thanks for the info on D&F adverts.

I have seven spare "Anglers' World" Mar 63, Apr 63, May 63, Feb 65, Nov 66, Mar 68 Apr 68 if you are missing any. I gave a nearly full set of them to a friend recently plus a full set of "Fishing" which I had spare.

My copies of "Sea Angler" which ran from 1972 to 1994 are now with Kev Clifford. I think I wrote my first article in Sea angler in 1974. I have not the space for all my books and magazines and the Sea Anglers were just stored in the loft so they are best with Kevin were they are available for others.

I think the old magazines are very interesting and nostalgic. Most of the modern ones are poor compared to the early publications and it's hard to imagine they will become collectable; one exception being Waterlog to which I've contributed a few times.




Re: continental and UK beach fishing rods

Post by Old-CodJA »

Hi Phil, you can call me anything you like as long as it's not late for dinner! :Wink:

Yes, I agree, the earlier publications are packed with a great many well reasoned articles, by writers who understood their subject well, who appear to have, a desire to share knowledge, educate and encourage experimentation with the aim of improving catches for all. I frequently dip back in to re-read the things that inspired me as a young man and never tire of them.

I know that we should not simply wallow in nostalgia for the sake of it, but todays' magazines are pale imitations, mainly produced with contributions from too many egotistical types who are primarily and too obviously commercially driven.

There are exceptions of course, but they are few & far between in my experience.

I now have a bit more time on my hands and only joined the subscribers list for Waterlog this year, I agree, it should become a collector's item and in 50 years, just like these historic publications, which we can still enjoy today, should be deservedly cherished.

My collection is somewhat insignificant compared to many, yours included no doubt, but I love it and continue to find new and interesting volumes on a regular basis.

Thank you for your kind offer, I'll check and will PM you in due course

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