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Bonkers or not?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:09 am
by MGs
I just bought this on the bay of e ... 1497.l2649

Grand total of £25

I have a feeling the description put people off, I may be wrong and it might be a dog. The splits in the butt should be fixable, having seen AC's work on the Isis. The main reason for the purchase, is that I think this may be a 4 piece rod, similar to the one Vole displayed recently. The front of the handle seems to have a brass ferrule. The "middle" section seems to have a big ferrule, which I am hoping fits into the butt, giving a 12' or 10'6 option. If the splits in the butt are not repairable, this would still give a usable rod. Fingers crossed

Re: Bonkers or not?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:39 am
by AshbyCut
That looks a very interesting project, Sir. Looking forward to updates !

Re: Bonkers or not?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:42 am
by OldFellah
Looks a very nice rod indeed and at the price you paid a risk that is well worth taking. I will be interested in how you get on with the rod once you have had a chance to see the damage/potential.

Re: Bonkers or not?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:58 am
by Nobby
It looks like a double-spliced match rod, but that butt section does look as though it comes apart. A touch of the Bernard Sealeys and Precision Rods in the whipping it might have come from Redditch not Hounslow.

Re: Bonkers or not?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:06 am
by MGs
I'll keep you updated with how it goes

Re: Bonkers or not?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:22 am
by Vole
It looks good; I hope the splits are trivial! Fingers crossed for you.

Re: Bonkers or not?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:29 am
by Kevanf1
That is a nice looking rod. I have a feeling that this could be one of those hidden gems. I shall keep my fingers crossed fro you sir that the splits are mere trivialities. Look forward to the updates on this.

Re: Bonkers or not?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:27 pm
by GarryProcter
I'd put money on it being a 'hidden gem' as Kevan suggests, it looks rather nice. Specially for £25!

Re: Bonkers or not?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:02 pm
by MGs
Obviously not just Royal Mail who are iffy about delivering rods these days. Just had a message from the seller. He was told by Hermes that they would take parcels up to 150cm, when he tried to send it, he was told they made a mistake and the maximum length was 120cm. Good job I'm not in a rush
Luckily TNT will take it.
How do online tackle shops get on sending 5 foot parcels?

Re: Bonkers or not?

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:32 pm
by MGs
The rod has just arrived. My current feeling is bonkers. Long term I think it has potential. It is as I suspected a 4 piece rod. The handle is generally in good condition. All of the fittings are brass.
The butt extension section has a couple of small splits, which I should be able to glue and whip. Both rings are loose and one is rusty (luckily not the butt ring). The biggest problem is going to be the ferrules. which at some stage have been screwed to the rod, but which are now loose and the screws stuck. My first thought is to clamp it and drill the heads out, then glue the ferrules.
The middle section again has a couple of small splits, one caused by the ferrule screw. Should be repairable. Again the rings are rusty.
The tip is fine, with the exception of rusty rings and loose whipping on one of the splices.

Overall, it has the making of a good rod (or should that be two). I'll save what I can of the original twist whipping. I guess this was black and white but I will replace it with black and gold to blend in (tipped in garnet)

I'll post some pictures as soon as my camera has finished charging