Ghostly oarsmen on the broads

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Re: Ghostly oarsmen on the broads

Post by Black Prince »

I still like scary stories like the ones in haunted swims one day mankind will know every thing and science will prove every thing probably but we still like mysterys cold hands grabbing you under the tent you can't beet a bit of good old tales of ghosts round the camp fire as in my previous post some people will scoff only those in the know will really know I apriciate your point of view and hope that one early morning or late at night or indeed on a summers day you don't have to join those that have seen something that sience doesn't blow away I have.

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Re: Ghostly oarsmen on the broads

Post by Santiago »

I share your love of ghost stories! Yet I do, however, find the scientific explanations more satisfying, and thoroughly more interesting. I am not without seeing such apparitions myself. Several years ago I saw what looked like about a dozen chevron shaped UFOs flying across the sky at a ridiculous speed, far too fast for aeroplanes, going north to south. About twenty minutes later I saw another UFO flying in the exact opposite direction, but this time it was a bright orange light, and again it's speed was extremely fast. The chevrons were just grey with no lights on, and moved across the whole sky in a few seconds! I recently googled what I saw and found that the UFOs as I saw them have been seen across the world by many. And nobody knows for sure what they are! Yet I truly believe that there's a scientific explanation for them. Regardless, I would much rather live in a rational universe than one that is irrational, and full of myth and superstition etc.etc.
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Re: Ghostly oarsmen on the broads

Post by RBTraditional »

Give me mystery and romance any day of the week....fortunately there will always be things that can't be explained by science
" Angling is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it..."


Re: Ghostly oarsmen on the broads

Post by Pragmatist »

Santiago i very much appreciate your time and effort for your detailed response. I am actually quite interested in the occult and even more so in finding rational explanations and yes for sure there could have ben a rational explanation however Narcolepsy wouldn't have applied as i had been prebating for a while and was most certainly wide awake with expectation. Swans in the mist? No, a 12' rowing boat very close in with two silhouetted figures. I volunteer for the RSPB and know my Mute's from my Bewicks.
As Hamlet said...There are more things in and heaven and earth....Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
The rational will still always prevail as there has been no concrete evidence of the other however it does not mean that the other does not exist.
Dr Sam Parnia is a leading professor of medicine studying these possibilities. His work makes interesting reading.
Look i'm not saying they are our dearly departed angling cousins out for one last adventure but just perhaps these replays are genuine and we are actually seeing something. Who knows for sure? None of us but i can tell you now it was very real and very unnerving.

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Re: Ghostly oarsmen on the broads

Post by Black Prince »

I also saw something back in 1979 I was wildfowling so Iam looking at the night sky a bright orange cigar shaped object came over me at great height my friend also saw it we asked my father could it have been a bullet from the army range he said no it had carried on its way at altitude moving across the sky i put it at the back of my mind never saw any thing else for 40years of fowling saw nothing that could not be explained away then in the 1990s never a mention of it before ufos seen all round the world cigar shaped orange coloured I think there is a lot we are still to learn mystery makes things interesting I think any way :Hat: mike

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Re: Ghostly oarsmen on the broads

Post by Santiago »

Don't get me wrong, I love mystery and romance. I just can't abide the idea that if something can't yet be explained by science then it must be regarded as evidence for the supernatural. When the simple answer is we just don't know yet! It was only a couple of hundred years ago that we burnt witches etc.etc because of mumbo jumbo nonsensical ideas. Now we wouldn't want to go back to that way of thinking. So why endorse such views when there is a far more rational approach.

I'm 100 % sure you saw what you saw! Ghost boat and all. Yet I know for a fact we're all easily fooled by our senses being twisted by our brains. So in all probability you imagined it! Then again, an Oxford academic recently suggested that we're all living in a simulation, Infact, a million to one odds we are in a simulation, a bit like the Matrix! So who knows for sure? Nobody! I just like discussing such matters and find these ideas quite entertaining, yet never to be taken seriously. Seriously!
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Re: Ghostly oarsmen on the broads

Post by Black Prince »

I have just remembered two work men in a cellar in Chester a full roman company of soldiers horses everything but they could only be seen thighs up they were even wearing heavey stuble on their faces due to along campaign they saw them that clearly the cellar was dug out yes a roman road was found tell those men science will out :Hat: mike

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Re: Ghostly oarsmen on the broads

Post by Santiago »

There's a very similar ghost story set in York Minster. Apparently, a night watchman saw a column of Roman soldiers marching along a corridor, but only waist upwards. and when they excavated the corridor they found a Roman road. Yet now I have heard this same story set elsewhere I am less inclined to give any credence to either of them. Often these stories are made up for the tourist industry!
"....he felt the gentle touch on the line and he was happy"



Re: Ghostly oarsmen on the broads

Post by Pragmatist »

Santiago I definitely did not imagine it. Nor was it a trick of the light, swans in the mist, effects of fatigue or alcohol or tricks of the brain. We will just have to agree to disagree on this particular one however your input is greatly appreciated.

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Re: Ghostly oarsmen on the broads

Post by Santiago »

Yes, I ' m 100%sure you did see it! That's my point. People see many things, especially in misty conditions, that simply do not exist. Even brain scans during 'visions' show our optical centre is activated just as it would be if the things were real. Magicians use this to their advantage! Ever seen the ping pong ball trick? It fools the audience into seeing a ping pong ball in mid air when it's actually in the magicians hand. Our brains are funny things, they actually make up most of what we see, based on what it already knows, and also because of this it misses things now and again that are actually in front of us. I appreciate you really believe what you saw, but none of us can be certain of what we see, unless someone else also sees it at the same time! Oddly, our brains are fairly unreliable in this context.
"....he felt the gentle touch on the line and he was happy"


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